2-4 Oct 2024 Bouguenais (France)

Organising committee

This conference is organized by PhD students and young researchers from the Laboratory Water & Environment, with the support of a researcher and an administrative manager:

  • Florian Betou
  • Margot Bruneau
  • Camille Croiset
  • Malak Dia
  • Juliette Godet
  • Akshay Kowlesser
  • Louisa Landebrit
  • Lauriane Ledieu
  • Sampriti Roy
  • Xenia Stavropulos-Laffaille
  • Medina Veliu
  • Sabrina Miralikan
  • Katia Chancibault

For any question, please send an email to orgajdhu2024@listes.univ-eiffel.fr

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