2-4 Oct 2024 Bouguenais (France)


Registrations will be open from June 17 to September 15, 2024.

Two rates will be available for students and non-students. It will also be possible to register for both days or just one.


Prices (incl. VAT):

2 days        1 day

Students                                 180€           120€

Non students                          276€          216€


A gala dinner will also be held on October 3.

Students                                   30€    

Non students                            48€

If someone is accompanying you but is not registered for the JDHU and would like to take part in the gala dinner, the price is as follows:

Non registrants                         84€


To register, please go to the ‘My registration’ page and follow the instructions on the payment site.

Please disregard the message :

"! Attention ! Ce site de paiement ne permet pas de régler vos droits d'inscription.
Merci d'utiliser les applications dédiées : inscriptions et réinscriptions ou vous rendre directement aux scolarités de l'Université."



Refunds possible until August 31, 2024 (100%, unconditional). No refunds after this date. Send an e-mail to orgajdhu2024@listes.univ-eiffel.fr

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